Our Work

The Delaware Center for Justice has succeeded in advocating for significant legislative reform since our inception. These reforms have improved the lives of many justice-involved individuals and we are committed to continuing to transform the system by listening, amplifying, and acting. 

Current Partnerships

Of the approximately 4,000 people released from prison each year in Delaware, one in five will return to serve a subsequent prison sentence within three years. Two factors that support successful reentry are stable housing and employment.

In 2020, the DCJ partnered with the DE Department of Housing and the Department of Correction on a pilot project that permits returning citizens to live with supportive family members in public housing.

We also work with 2 Fish Home Renovations to connect formerly incarcerated persons with initial employment and job development opportunities in the construction trade. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve just been chosen as the site for a new Transitional Reentry program to support reentering Delawareans in the crucial first weeks after release.

Legislative Tracker

Death Penalty

HB 301 in 2024


Death penalty


Constitutional amendment to prohibit the death penalty.


Passage in two consecutive legislative sessions is required for a Constitutional Amendment. HB 301 failed to pass the 1st leg in June 2024. The bill will likely be introduced in 2025.

Key Community Partners:

Compassionate Release



Compassionate Release

Expansion of release mechanisms (ex. 4217s)



Death by Incarceration



Reduction/abolition of LWOP, habitual offender, mandatory minimum laws, etc.


Pre-trial detention, denial of right to bail



Curtailing pretrial detention without bail based on signal crimes; use risk assessment tools, judicial discretion, and individualized terms of pretrial release


House Bill:



First leg of Constitutional Amendment passed in June 2024. Passage in a second consecutive legislative session is required for a CA. The 2nd leg may be introduced in 2025.


research, policy, and action


Unfortunately, we cannot accept walk-in clients, but please browse through the wealth of resources on our website. Call us at 302-658-7174 if you would like to be referred to one of our programs.