Utilizing Restorative Justice principles and values, our Conferencing Program offers those who have been harmed (victims) the opportunity to address those who have caused them harm (offenders) in a safe, structured setting, with the goal of directly holding an offender accountable for their actions while providing important assistance to the victim. With the assistance of a trained facilitator/ mediator, those harmed are given the opportunity to explain how they have been impacted by the harm done to them, how the person who harmed them should be held accountable, and if they feel that justice has been served. We provide individuals who have committed harm with the opportunity to make restitution, complete community service, and learn skills needed to lead a healthy, law-abiding life.
Eligibility: Referrals come from Court of Common Pleas and Family Court
Restorative Services Director: Barbie Fisher, bfisher@dcjustice.org, (302)298-5466